Move over ISO 9001/2/3. Here come ISO 10001/2/3! With a clear shift from assurance to satisfaction exhibited in the latest version of the ISO 9000 standards, it is hardly surprising that a brand new family of international Customer Satisfaction standards is in the works. Meant to complement an ISO 9001: 2000 Quality Management System (QMS) by providing a set of guidelines for the establishment of a Customer Satisfaction Complaints System (CSCS or (CS)2), this family consists of three standards, numbered ISO 10001, 2 and 3. Unlike the mutually-exclusive and now obsolete ISO 9001/2/3: 1994, ISO 10001/2/3 standards are interrelated, but can also be applied independently of each other and of ISO 9001: 2000 altogether ('Dee et al., 2004'). The idea, which originally came from the Consumer Policy Committee (COPOLCO) of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), is to offer advice to companies on developing customer satisfaction codes of conduct (ISO 10001), as well as on handling product-related complaints internally (ISO 10002) and externally (ISO 10003).
ISO 10002: Quality Management Guidelines for Complaints Handling in Organizations which is the latest quality management system standard to be released by the International Organization for Standardization, and focuses singly on processing customer complaints. A new ISO standard offers a solution for organizations on those occasions when the customer is dissatisfied with a product or service - guidelines for handling complaints in a manner that gives optimal results for both the organization and unhappy customer. ISO 10002:2004, Quality Management - Customer Satisfaction - Guidelines for Complaints Handling in Organizations, the standard is complete enough for stand-alone implementation, or in support of other quality management and customer satisfaction tools, including Customer Relation Management and Six Sigma. The standard gives complete guidance - including principles, issues for consideration and structural aspects - for the management of the overall complaints-handling process, with numerous checklists, sample forms, and practical examples.
ISO 10002 - Guidelines for complaints handling in organizations -What will you learn? By the end of the course you will be able to:
● Set out a clear case for measuring customer satisfaction
● Develop a plan to measure customer satisfaction
● Carry out customer measurement using both internal and external approaches
● Use the results from measurement to prioritize and focus change and/or improvement
ISO 10002 Guide for Customer Handling, defines, what a "good" complaints handling process should be built upon.
● Define customer satisfaction
● Benefits of managing your customer relationship
● Importance of having clear measurement objectives
● The customer satisfaction measurement framework
● Current approaches to measuring customer satisfaction
● Indicators of customer satisfaction
● The customer survey
● Interpreting and using results
● Planning an approach to measuring customer satisfaction